Exhibition Design
Reasons To Be: Contemplating Life
Visitors of the exhibition will be welcomed with bold and vibrant colors. Once entering the exhibition they will be immersed in an overview of the five Longevity Hotspots. From there, they will learn about the nine lifestyle habits, power 9, that the longevity hotspots have in common. From there, they can explore the rest of the space which would include a quote wall, selfie wall, and two participation activities. The participation activities include sharing on a wall either; what makes you happy, goals and dreams, and what you are thankful for. Lastly, there is a reflection room which is like an infinity room of mirrors where two overarching questions are asked: what brings meaning to your life? and what makes you wake up in the morning?
initial sketches
exhibition physical miniature mockup
ideation stage
exhibition final sketches
Reasons To Be: Contemplating Life, is an inviting exhibtion focusing on the significance of one’s “eudamonic well-being” which connects to one’s purpose and meaning in life. An overview of the the infamous “blue zones” or as I like to call them, “longevity hotspots” will be present along with the nine common lifestyle habits (power 9) that these places have in common.
Tools : Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Autodesk Fusion 360
Role: Visual + Exhibition Designer
Final Deliverables: Exhibition Design + Proposal